
Affiliated institutions: RIKEN

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Category: Project

Description: The development of facial expressions with sensing information is progressing in multidisciplinary fields, such as psychology, affective computing, and cognitive science. Previous facial datasets have not simultaneously dealt with multiple theoretical views of emotion, individualized context, or multi-angle/depth information. Consequently, we developed a new facial database (RIKEN facial expression database) that includes multiple theoretical views of emotions and expressers’ individualized events with multi-angle and depth information. The RIKEN facial expression database contains recordings of 48 Japanese participants captured using 10 Kinect cameras at 25 different events. This study identified several valence-related facial patterns and found them consistent with previous research investigating the coherence between facial movements and internal states. This database is a further step in developing a new sensing system, conducting psychological experiments, and understanding the complexity of emotional events.

License: Other


Accessing the Database The RIKEN facial database is made available to researchers. To access the database, researchers must sign and submit a document agreeing to the terms of use. To access the facial data, submit a request form: https://forms.gle/XMYiXaXHhfszCb4c6 Criteria for access to the video data is being an academic researcher and from a university that is not subject to US export control...


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